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“If you can do something with the breath, you will attain the source of life. If you can do something with the breath, you can transcend time and space. If you can do something with the breath, you will be in the world and also beyond it.”
The Book of Secrets, Osho

Laura Di Maio, Breathwork facilitator, supporting a client with her breathing during a group Breathwork session in Montreal, Quebec.

The breath is a gateway to transformation

Breathwork is the conscious control of the breath that allows you to tap into the natural healing process of the body, release energetic charges from the fascia, expand your conscious awareness, and transform your internal and external world.


“Conscious Breathing means that you deliberately control, direct, and regulate the breathing in some way. You give the breathing a certain quality or a specific pattern. You breathe with a conscious intention. You are creative. […] With Conscious Breathing, you breathe the breath.”


- Dan Brulé, world-renown pioneer in breathwork and creator of Breath Therapy.

What can I expect from a session?

A breathwork session consists of a slow activation of the nervous system using conscious breathing through the nose or mouth, guided by my instructions taking you into a visualization or possibly a meditation, and suggested movements derived from yoga, and culminating in a relaxation and integration period. Every element of the session is chosen and designed to support you in maintaining a connection with the body throughout, so that the body may release excessive energetic charges that have remained trapped in the fascia. While a single breathwork session may allow for unprocessed emotions to surface and be released from the body, the emotional, mental, and physical benefits of breathwork start to be experienced and witnessed following several sessions.

Benefits of breathwork

Emotional: stimulates empathy, increases ability to regulate emotions and emotional outbursts, alleviates anxiety, and improves mood.


Mental: calms the mind and alleviates anxious thought patterns, boosts creativity, stimulates optimism and general positive outlook on life, and improves focus and concentration.


Physical: calms the nervous system, boosts energy and vitality, increases immune system function, and releases toxins.


Spiritual: increases self-awareness, inspires self-transformation, and increases synchronistic events and alignment.

Tree branches and leaves in the shape of lungs.

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